
Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is performed to treat an infected or damaged tooth. This procedure is usually recommended when the pulp or nerve inside the tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to decay or injury.

What is the Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a space inside the root of a tooth that contains the pulp or nerve. When the pulp becomes infected, it can cause a range of symptoms, including severe pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, and swelling. In some cases, the infection can also spread to other parts of the body, causing a more severe condition.

Root canal treatment is a procedure that involves removing the infected pulp and cleaning the root canal. The dentist will make an access point in the tooth and use special tools to remove the infected pulp. The root canal will then be cleaned and disinfected to remove any remaining bacteria. Once the root canal is clean, the dentist will fill and seal it with a material known as gutta-percha.

The procedure may take several visits to complete, and the dentist will use a local anesthetic Agent to reduce pain and discomfort. 

Root canal in a single day

The ability to perform supra coronal restoration over the treated tooth in the same day using state of the art tech. and done by consultants in each specialty.

Retreatment of improperly root canal treated teeth

Retreatment of all root canal filled teeth that has no signs and symptoms in a single visit with the help of special armamentarium specific to this step.

Factors to consider when
choosing a Dental clinic for root canal treatment

When choosing a dental clinic for root canal treatment, here are some things to consider:

Technology and equipment

At Ismile Dental Clinic, we use the latest modern technology and equipment, such as digital imaging, 3D imaging, and laser-assisted treatment.

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Cost and insurance

At the Ismile Dental Clinic, we accept most dental insurance. Moreover, we are offering an easy payment plan for all kinds of treatment.

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Follow-up care

We provide clear and detailed instructions for post-treatment care, schedule follow-up appointments, communicate regularly with the patient, and offer emergency services if needed

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Emergency root canal treatment

At i Smile Dental Clinic, we utilize the most modern laser therapy equipment, which allows us to accomplish root canal procedures in a single day.

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What are the type of root canal treatment?

There are two main types of root canal treatment: conventional root canal treatment and non-surgical root canal treatment. Here is a brief overview of each type:

Conventional root canal treatment: This is the most common type of root canal treatment and is typically performed over one or two appointments. During the procedure, the dentist will first administer local anesthesia to numb the area. They will then make an opening in the crown of the tooth and use special instruments to remove the infected or damaged pulp tissue from the root canals. The canals will then be cleaned, shaped, and filled with a special material to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth again. Finally, a filling or crown will be placed to restore the tooth’s function and protect it from further damage.

Surgical root canal re-treatment:  also known as endodontic microsurgery or apicoectomy, is a type of root canal treatment used to address issues that cannot be resolved with conventional root canal treatment. This may include issues such as a persistent infection, a fracture in the root, or a blocked or inaccessible canal. During the procedure, the dentist will make a small incision in the gum tissue to access the root tip. They will then remove the infected or damaged tissue and any blockages in the canal. Finally, a filling or crown will be placed to restore the tooth’s function and protect it from further damage.

In addition to these two main types of root canal treatment, there are also various techniques and technologies that can be used to make the procedure more efficient and effective. For example, the use of a dental microscope can improve visibility and accuracy during the procedure, while laser-assisted root canal treatment can help remove infected tissue more effectively and reduce the risk of complications.

What is Laser Root Canal Treatment?

Laser root canal treatment is a new and innovative approach to root canal therapy. It uses a dental laser to remove the infected pulp and clean the root canal. The laser is a highly focused beam of light that is directed at the infected area, and it can effectively remove the infected tissue without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.

The laser root canal treatment has many benefits over traditional root canal therapy. It is faster, less invasive, and less painful than traditional methods. The laser also sterilizes the area, reducing the risk of reinfection, and promotes healing by stimulating the growth of new tissue.

Laser root canal therapy is also more precise, and it allows the dentist to target the infected area more accurately. This precision reduces the risk of complications and allows for a more successful outcome.

Who needs a root canal?

Root canal treatment is typically recommended for individuals who have a damaged or infected tooth pulp. The pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp becomes damaged or infected, it can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, and swelling. A dentist may recommend root canal treatment to save the tooth and prevent further complications.

Common reasons to have root canal


Tooth decay: If a cavity is left untreated, it can progress deep into the tooth, eventually reaching the pulp. When this happens, the pulp becomes inflamed and infected, and a root canal may be necessary to remove the infected tissue and save the tooth.

Trauma: If a tooth is cracked, chipped, or broken due to injury, the pulp can become exposed and vulnerable to infection. In this case, a root canal may be necessary to remove the infected tissue and prevent further damage.

Gum disease: Advanced gum disease can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, exposing the roots. This can lead to infection and inflammation of the pulp, requiring a root canal.

Multiple dental procedures: If a tooth has had multiple dental procedures or restorations, such as fillings or crowns, it may become weakened and susceptible to infection. In this case, a root canal may be necessary to save the tooth.

Genetic predisposition: Some people may be genetically predisposed to developing problems with the pulp, such as having narrow canals or weaker tooth enamel. In these cases, a root canal may be necessary to maintain oral health and prevent further complications.

How Endodontic microscopic can help in root canal treatment?

microscopes are an essential tool for dentists who perform root canal treatments. These microscopes provide enhanced magnification and lighting, allowing dentists to see inside the tooth more clearly. This increased visibility enables them to identify and remove infected tissue more precisely and reduce the risk of damaging healthy tissue.

The following are some scenarios where an endodontic microscope can be particularly beneficial during root canal treatment:

  • Complex root canal anatomy: Teeth can have complex root canal anatomy, which can make it difficult to identify and remove all infected tissue. An endodontic microscope provides enhanced visualization of the tooth’s anatomy, making it easier for dentists to identify and treat all areas of infection.
  • Retreatment: In some cases, a previous root canal treatment may have been unsuccessful, and the patient may require retreatment. An endodontic microscope can help the dentist identify the cause of the failed treatment and allow for a more precise retreatment.
  • Fractured teeth: A tooth that has been fractured may require root canal treatment. An endodontic microscope can help identify the location of the fracture, allowing for more precise treatment.
  • Calcified canals: In some cases, the canals inside a tooth may become calcified, making them more difficult to identify and treat. An endodontic microscope can help dentists locate these canals and ensure that all infected tissue is removed.

What happened after root canal treatment ?

After a root canal treatment, the treated tooth should feel significantly better. However, it is normal to experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days following the procedure.

Here is a general timeline of what to expect after a root canal treatment:

  1. Immediately after the procedure: Your mouth may feel numb from the local anesthesia used during the procedure. It is best to avoid eating until the numbness wears off to prevent accidentally biting your tongue or cheek.
  2. First few days after the procedure: You may experience some mild discomfort or sensitivity around the treated tooth. Your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain medication to manage this discomfort.
  3. Follow-up appointment: Your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to evaluate the tooth and ensure that it is healing properly.

After the root canal treatment, the tooth should be free from infection, and any pain or discomfort you were experiencing should be significantly reduced or eliminated. If you experience any persistent pain or swelling or notice any discharge around the treated tooth, contact your dentist immediately, as this may be a sign of complications.

How to follow up after root canal ?

Following up after a root canal is an important part of ensuring that the treatment was successful and that the tooth is healing properly.

Here are some steps you can take to follow up after a root canal:

Attend your follow-up appointment: Your dentist will likely schedule a follow-up appointment after your root canal treatment. It is important to attend this appointment, so your dentist can evaluate the tooth and ensure that it is healing correctly.

Take any prescribed medications: Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics or pain medication to help manage any discomfort and prevent infection. It is important to take any medications as prescribed and follow the instructions provided.

Maintain good oral hygiene: It is important to continue to brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. However, be gentle around the treated tooth and avoid putting too much pressure on it.

Avoid chewing on the treated tooth: It is best to avoid chewing on the treated tooth until your dentist confirms that it is fully healed. This will help prevent any damage to the tooth and ensure that it heals correctly.

Watch for any signs of complications: Although complications are rare, it is important to be aware of any signs of infection or other issues. If you experience any persistent pain, swelling, or discharge, contact your dentist immediately.

By following these steps and attending any follow-up appointments with your dentist, you can help ensure that your root canal treatment is successful and that your tooth heals properly.

Root canal retreatment / Infected root canal treatment

Infected root canal treatment, also known as retreatment, is a dental procedure used to address an infection that has occurred in a tooth that has previously undergone a root canal. Despite being an effective treatment for removing infected tissue, occasionally a root canal can fail, which may result in the need for infected root canal treatment.

Some reasons why a root canal may fail and require retreatment include:

  1. Incomplete removal of infected tissue during the initial root canal treatment.
  2. Narrow or curved root canals that are difficult to clean and fill properly.
  3. A fracture or crack in the tooth that allows bacteria to re-enter the root canal system.
  4. A restoration such as a filling or crown that has failed and allowed bacteria to enter the tooth.

During infected root canal treatment, the dentist will reopen the tooth to gain access to the root canal system. They will then remove any infected or damaged tissue that was missed during the initial root canal treatment. Once the canals have been cleaned and disinfected, they will be filled with a sealing material to prevent bacteria from entering the canal system again. Finally, a new filling or crown may be placed to restore the tooth’s function and protect it from further damage.

Symptoms that may indicate the need for infected root canal treatment include persistent pain, swelling, or discharge around a previously treated tooth. However, sometimes there may be no noticeable symptoms, which is why it is important to attend regular dental check-ups and X-rays to detect any issues early on.

Overall, infected root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to address an infection that has occurred in a previously treated tooth. If you suspect that you may need infected root canal treatment, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

Emergency root canal treatment in UAE

With the aid of specialized equipment designed for this stage, we work around the clock to perform a single-visit retreatment on any root canal filled teeth that are symptom-free.

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How do we do root canals for kids at I Smile Clinic?

Root canal treatment for kids is a bit different than the procedure for adults. Here are some things we at I smile dental clinic may do when performing root canal treatment for kids:

Sedation: To ensure that kids are comfortable and relaxed during the procedure, the dentist may use sedation. This can include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedatives, or general anesthesia.

Child-friendly environment: The clinic may have a child-friendly environment with colorful walls, toys, and other distractions to help keep the child calm and relaxed.

Gentle approach: The dentist will take a gentle approach when performing the root canal procedure, using small, child-sized instruments to minimize discomfort and anxiety.

Communication: The dentist and staff will communicate clearly and frequently with the child to ensure they understand what is happening and feel comfortable with the procedure.

Post-treatment care: After the procedure, the dentist will provide instructions for post-treatment care, including pain management and dietary restrictions. They may also provide follow-up care to ensure the tooth is healing properly.

Overall, root canal treatment for kids requires a gentle approach and a child-friendly environment to help them feel comfortable and relaxed. our dentist will take care to communicate clearly and frequently with the child and provide instructions for post-treatment care to ensure a successful outcome.

What benefits of root canal

Root canal treatment can offer several benefits for clients, including:

Pain relief

One of the primary benefits of root canal treatment is pain relief. If a tooth is infected or damaged, it can cause significant pain and discomfort. Root canal treatment can remove the source of the pain, allowing the client to feel much more comfortable.

Prevent further damage

A tooth that is infected or damaged can cause further complications if left untreated. The infection can spread to other teeth or even to the jawbone, leading to more serious issues. Root canal treatment can prevent this from happening by removing the infection and restoring the tooth's function.

Save the natural tooth

Another important benefit of root canal treatment is that it can save the natural tooth. If the tooth is too damaged to be saved, it may need to be extracted, which can lead to further complications and the need for additional dental work.

Improve oral health

Root canal treatment can also improve overall oral health by removing harmful bacteria from the mouth. This can help prevent future infections and reduce the risk of other dental problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to treat a tooth that has become infected or damaged. During the procedure, the dentist removes the damaged or infected pulp from the tooth's root canal and fills it with a filling material to seal it.
Most people do not experience any pain during a root canal procedure because the dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the area. After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort or sensitivity, but this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.

The length of a root canal procedure can vary depending on the tooth's location and the complexity of the case. In most cases, the procedure takes one to two hours.
Root canal treatment is considered a safe and effective dental procedure. However, like any medical procedure, there are some risks associated with it, such as infection or damage to surrounding teeth.
Patients can usually resume their normal diet after a root canal treatment. However, they should avoid hard or sticky foods that could damage the treated tooth.
Most patients can return to their normal activities within a day or two after a root canal procedure. However, it may take several days to a week for the tooth to fully heal.
In many cases, a crown is recommended after a root canal treatment to protect the tooth and restore its function. However, this may depend on the tooth's location and how much of the natural tooth structure is still intact.
With proper care and maintenance, a root canal-treated tooth can last a lifetime. Patients should practice good oral hygiene habits and visit their dentist regularly to ensure the tooth's long-term health.
The cost of a root canal treatment can vary depending on several factors, such as the location of the tooth and the complexity of the case. Patients should check with their dental insurance provider to determine their coverage and out-of-pocket costs.
Maintaining good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings can help prevent the need for a root canal treatment.

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